How Epoxy Injection Can Repair Cracks In Concrete Garage Floors

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Concrete garage floors are designed to be strong and hard-wearing, so it can be pretty alarming if the concrete floor in your garage starts to crack and crumble. Unfortunately, cracks in concrete will only grow larger and do more damage to your garage floor over time, so they must be repaired as quickly as possible.

What Causes Cracking In Concrete Garage Floors?

Settling is one of the most common causes of cracks appearing in concrete garage floors. This occurs when a void is created in the soil beneath the concrete. Collapsing sewer pipes and rotting tree roots are common causes of soil voids. As the soil falls into the newly created void and fills it, soil is pulled away from the underside of the concrete floor, causing it to sag under its own weight and crack.

Concrete garage floors can also crack if the soil beneath the floor contains significant amounts of expansive clay. This type of clay is highly absorbent, and will expand in size during heavy rains or flooding. Expansive soils can place enormous pressure on the underside of the concrete floor, and soils with high proportions of expansive clay can cause severe concrete cracking.

How Can Epoxy Injection Repair Cracked Concrete Garage Floors?

Cracks in concrete garage floors can be repaired using a variety of methods. Superficial cracks can be repaired using inexpensive acrylic fillers, while polyurethane injections are frequently used to seal cracks that are leaking water. However, epoxy injections are one of the most versatile and long-lasting ways to repair a cracked concrete garage floor.

To repair a cracked concrete floor using epoxy injection, a crack injection service will first remove any debris or concrete dust from the crack using compressed air and/or pressure washing. If your concrete garage floor is painted or coated, the coating immediately surrounding the crack will also be removed, although the technicians will make sure to remove as little coating as possible.

Once the crack has been prepared, the service will then use a highly specialised injection gun with a long, thin nozzle, which injects epoxy resin into the deepest recesses of the crack. Once the crack is completely filled with resin, the gun is removed and the top of the filled crack is smoothed over, ready to be repainted or recoated if required. This epoxy is then left to dry and set.

What Are The Advantages Of Epoxy Injection Crack Repair?

If you need to repair your cracked concrete garage floor as quickly as possible, epoxy injection is ideal. The epoxy resins used will completely dry and cure after just a few hours, and you may be able to use your floor safely again the same day it is repaired -- perfect if you need to get your beloved vehicle out of the elements and under cover as quickly as possible.

Epoxy injection is also strong and durable. When the injection is properly performed by crack injection specialists, the repair should last for the lifetime of the concrete floor. The epoxy resins used for crack injection have incredibly high tensile strength, much higher than the concrete itself, so the repaired section of concrete will actually be more resistant to further cracking than it was before.

Epoxy injection is also considerably cheaper than more involved repair methods, such as excavating and replacing the damaged concrete. The rapid injection process keeps labour costs low, and the long-term durability of the repair means you won't have to hire your crack repair service for repeat visits.

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How to Repair and Restore an Elderly Person's Home Hey! My name is Sandy and this is my blog. I have only just mastered using the internet so you will have to forgive me for any mistakes I make. I decided to start a blog so I could offer some advice about how to repair and restore a home and the things within it so it is suitable for an elderly person to live in. When my mother turned 85, we were sure we would have to find a care home for her. However, she didn't want that. I called in various contractors and asked for help so we could make her home as friendly as it could be. She is so happy with what we have done.

